The core business of the International Law Group "LEGATO" is provision of the legal services over the Irkutsk region territory and other parts of Russia and it is targeting to business-to-customers and private individuals.
Key areas of activity:
• law of taxation and tax disputes;
• banking and financial law;
• corporate law;
• settlement of disputes and mediation;
• labour and migration law;
• administrative and criminal-legal protection of business;
• legal support of investment projects, real estate and construction, both in Russia and abroad.
We support investment projects and contracts carried out by the judicial and pre-judicial protection of rights and legitimate interests of our clients and we provide advice on taxation issues. An additional point is that we organize and accompany in an integrated manner the jurisdiction of the Russian and foreign business, low-tax and tax heaven, that do not have the offshore zones status. Together with this, the Council partners make every effort to preserve all the positive traits of a small law firm. Encouraging the processes of development and globalization, we do not aim to become a major international law firm, where the connection “manager - client" is lost as a rule. Our main priority is to maintain partners’ personal supervision of work with each individual customer.
We are confident in the professionalism of our colleagues, because personally select our personnel.
Through this approach, we are confident that the small entrepreneurs, large companies, private clients, regardless of income will always receive professional and high quality timely succour.
International Legal Group "LEGATO"